
"Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often."


- Mae West-

Photo of Mae West

  • Mae was a hairdresser who became a world famous entertainer in the early to mid-1900s. As the new media of radio, movies, and television offered incredible opportunities for self-expression, many were concerned with “protecting” the masses from exposure to impure influences. The extent of this protection leaned heavily to the conservative side until the cultural revolution of the 1960s. It was voices like those of Ms. West that challenged the champions of censorship.
  • The weapons of politics and religion continue to be used to control or crush the free spirited and creative. The bullying tactics of might makes right have been replaced by the cries of victim-hood.

“You cannot deny us our right to tell you what to do!”

  • Luckily, the communication age has provided countless outlets and platforms for individuals to share their gifts with the world. Modern day artists like Richard Hooker, Mel Brooks, Richard Pryor, Gilda Radner, Bill Maher, and Seth McFarlane are just a few of those who refuse to restrict their freedom to create and share in order to avoid offending the easily shocked.
  • Cuss words don’t kill, sex isn’t abnormal, and different isn’t inferior. Of course there are limits to free speech. Yelling “fire” in a crowded theater causes real harm. Seeing a booby never hurt anyone. In the movies from Mae’s time a man and a woman were not allowed to be filmed in the same bed; even if they were married. As early as the 1970s you would never even hear the word ass. A lot has changed since cigarettes were portrayed as wholesome and human nature was evil.

......Here at Shocker-Tee we do not intend to “Shock” anyone. However, we are aware that some of our products are going to cause some people to clutch their pearls. For those who are easily shocked, we recommend reading some ancient Greek plays, or between the lines in some of the greatest literature in history. For the rest of us, we encourage you to find something you like and express yourself.